Feels So Good to Feel So Good!

May 20, 2024
I am content.
This feeling of nothing being wrong is such a welcome gift.
I just want to feel at ease. I want to feel I can breathe. I’ve had to work so hard to get here.
When I inhale today, I only feel expansion… I don’t feel like I'm taking a drag from the life force of the Universe.
When I exhale, I'm not releasing pain, bitterness, rage.
 Inhale, open. Exhale, stillness...spaciousness... gratitude.
What freedom, to breathe in peace.
I could not know this kind of spaciousness without the trials I’ve lived through.
I never knew there was space on the other side of an exhale before things got really hard.
Before the wind was knocked out of me.
I didn’t know that it would be hard to just breathe one day.
I didn’t know that I would be so lost in my thoughts, so angry about the same 5 things for YEARS that I wouldn’t be able to take a single deep breath without thinking about every exhale as an opportunity to let this go.
This must be the definition of "all-consuming." When every breath is filled with an awareness of the problem.
I longed to be delivered from that constant pain.
I prayed to be released. “Let me learn the lessons this is here to teach me and let me out of this hell prison.”
Now that I am in balance again, I wonder, what were the lessons?
Hmmm. Was it a school I was attending or was it simply my time in the pressure chamber? I know I’ve been changed for good. I've been alchemized.
I am transformed.
Did I come to this peace by way of lessons learned or pure exhaustion with the suffering?
I treasure this freedom from anger and bitterness so much, I will do anything to avoid returning to it.
I will even forgive to stay here.

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