The Jelly Goo
May 27, 2024Hey Sunshine!
I had dinner at a friend’s house over the weekend and she was telling me about her yoga teacher who went on a 30 day silent retreat. During his retreat, he experienced a deep transformation. You see, for him to qualify for this 30 day retreat, he had to complete 10, ten-day retreats first. They know how difficult 30 days in silence can be and they wanted to be sure that his mental health was up for the challenge.
He said his 30 day retreat was like the metamorphosis that a caterpillar experiences. When the caterpillar folds itself into the chrysalis, it dissolves into a sort of jelly goo before it rebuilds itself into a butterfly. He felt himself dissolving like that. He felt himself breaking down, coming apart, letting go of the old structures… and it was painful.
If you were to cut open a chrysalis before the transformation were complete, there is no possibility of it becoming a butterfly.
You can’t skip the jelly goo stage.
Dang it.
So, what would it be like to be in the jelly goo stage and know that this is PART OF IT? To know that this is normal and to allow peace and ease WHILE it’s hard and painful.
I’m inspired to share this with you today because it really got me thinking about how REAL the jelly goo stage is when you’re in it… and how hard it is when we are dissolving.
Life is full of change cycles. When we are in the jelly goo, two things are true. It's hard, AND we're changing. We are dissolving AND we are becoming. Time seems to slow down and we can be deliberate as we choose what we want when we emerge.
There is wisdom and clarity on the other side of metamorphosis.
I hope you're having a relaxing holiday weekend and you're looking forward to lots of fun this summer! I'm back from my travels and delighting so much in working with my clients who are experiencing change cycles right now.
Click here because when you're in the jelly goo and you deserve a non-judgemental witness to your transformation.
I'm here for you, Sunshine!
Love, Gia
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